版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
聯絡地址:Registered Office : F-641, PALAM EXTENTION, SECTOR-7, DWARKA, DELHI-110075. INDIA.
Legal referencer is a tailor made calendar app for lawyers. It is a digital lawyer's diary and organizer that helps lawyers in systematizing their practice. Most of the information regarding a client /case is displayed on the calendar page, helping a lawyer make quick and instant decisions keeping in mind his schedule and availability on a certain date with the emphasis on prior appearances and the stage of the ongoing cases.
Booking a date
Touch any date on the calendar. That date is selected. You can change the selection by touching another date. By pressing the BOOK button at the bottom right, the last selected date is booked. This booking takes choices for CASE, CASESTAGE and TIME to attend the court . Obviously before start booking a date CLIENT, Client details, court name, CASESTAGE, and CASE details are to be saved to the database.
Home menubar
HOME menu bar has Three buttons. First button is for data entry. Second button is for client information. Third button is for recharge. Legal referencer Calendar has three buttons on it's title bar. Previous, Home and Next which are used to navigate to various months left and right. Home is used to reach the current month. By touching a date that date is selected. The selected date gets a different background color. DAY button will show details of all bookings on the selected day. TODAY displays details of current date bookings. TOMORROW displays all bookings for tomorrow. WEEK will show details of all bookings for a week and MONTH, bookings for a month. BOOK button books the selected day after getting the associated CASE, CASESTAGE and TIME.
Data entry Page.
EditText field takes data for Client/Court/CaseStage/Case. There are four separate buttons for saving this data in different databases. Saving as CLIENT will take additional Phone No, Email, Address1 and Address2. Saving as Court or Casestage will not take any further data. Most of the casestages are preset in database. Saving as Case also takes additional File No, Court Room No as well choices for CLIENT and COURT. There is a CLEAR button to clear the data in the edit field. Today's bookings are listed in a drop down box. Select an item and the DETAILS button will show details of that date. Update will take a choice between Present and Absent. Updating all the items in the drop down after attending/not attending is a must since it can not be done on any other day. USER INFO takes NAME IN FULL and PHONE NO. Correct user information is a must for RECHARGING.
Client information Page
Select a client from the drop down box and you can get DETAILS, GET payment, LIST payments and DELETE. Also you can get a list of all clients. Select a case and you can get DETAILS, DATES, COURT ROOM (update) and DELETE. Also you can get a list of all cases. Select a date from the drop down box and you can get the DETAILS and DELETE. Also you can Update the time associated with the date to appear in the court. Also you can get a list of all dates.
Recharge Page
Before going for recharge USER information must be updated correctly. This is very crucial since this information is used in the event of any failure or any other problem. Check the internet status before hand. Select a currency first then select a period for recharge. Check the amount. Press PROCEED TO PAY. There is a BONUS button. You can get the recharge history by pressing WENET.IN. From there you can navigate through all pages of http://www.wenet.in